Straitéis don Ghaeilge
The Irish Language Strategy

Straitéis don Ghaeilge / The Irish Language Strategy


I 2000, shínigh rialtas na Ríochta Aontaithe Cairt na hEoroa do Theangacha Réigúnda nó Mionlaigh, uirlís um chearta an duine de chuid Comhairle na hEorpa, atá cosaint na dteangacha faoi bhagairt mar aidhm aige. I 2002, mhol coiste neamhspleách,Coiste na Saineolaithe ar an Chairt (COMEX) agus Comhairle na nAirí gur cheart do rialtas na RA straitéis a thabhairt isteach don Ghaeilge ar bhonn práinne. Rinne siad athrá ar an mholadh seo i ngach tréimhse monatóireachta ó shin. I nAcht Chill Rìmhinn 2006, thug rialtas na RA coimitmint glacadh le straitéis don Ghaeilge (agus straitéis d’Albainis Uladh) ach ní dhéarna sé beart de réir briathair. Theip ar an Tionól arís is arís eile glacadh le straitéis. Thar 20 bliain, d’oibrigh POBAL go leanúnach ar an cheist seo, agus ar mholtaí eile de chuid Choiste na Saineolaithe.

In 2000, the UK government signed the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, a Council of Europe human rights instrument intended to protect endangered languages. In 2002, the independent Committee of Experts on the Charter (COMEX) and the Council of Ministers recommended as a matter of urgency that the UK government adopt a strategy for the Irish language. They have repeated this recommendation in every monitoring cycle since. In spite of committing itself to a strategy for Irish (and one for Ulster Scots)in the St. Andrews act 2006, the UK government has not acted and the Assembly has repeatedly failed to adopt a strategy. POBAL worked consistently on this issue, and other recommendations of the COMEX for over 20 years.